Call for applications: The CAROTS STARTUP SCHOOL for scientists interested in turning entrepreneurs
Dear BSRUN members and friends,
The EU-Interreg project CAROTS ( is organising a series of coachings and webinars in form of a STARTUP SCHOOL for scientists or engineers interested in discovering their entrepreneurial potential.
From 1st December 2020 to 31st January 2021 scientists and engineers who work as researchers at a university or other research institution and have an idea for a new Scientific Service Company based on an advanced analytical technique can apply. Next to a series of events participants will also get the opportunity to join a European network of likeminded people and successful scientific service companies. Online 1 to 1-coachings and monthly webinars will start in March 2021 through to June 2021.
Apply now: The CAROTS STARTUP SCHOOL offers coaching and webinars for scientists interested in discovering their entrepreneurial potential
From 1st December 2020 to 31st January 2021 scientists and engineers who work as researchers at a university or other research institution can apply for one of ten places at the CAROTS STARTUP SCHOOL. Everyone with an idea for a new Scientific Service Company based on an advanced analytical technique, for example at a large-scale research infrastructure such as a synchrotron or a neutron source or in collaboration with a university, is welcome to apply. A place at the STARTUP SCHOOL includes individual coaching sessions with some of Europe’s leading CEOs of Scientific Service Companies as well as a webinar programme teaching everything worth knowing to take the jump from scientist to entrepreneur. Participants will also get the opportunity to join a European network of likeminded people and successful scientific service companies. Online 1 to 1-coachings and monthly webinars will start in March 2021 through to June 2021.
Further material:
- Press release:
- FAQs: