Bulletin April 2021

We are happpy to share a new edition of BSRUN Bulletin dedicated to the SDGs topic and timed to BSRUN online seminar on SDGs in Universities on 29 April.
The April edition includes an overview of BSRUN member institutions’ efforts on the way of sustainable development goals achievement as well as four articles presenting:
– the case of Finnish UAS on building sustainable and responsible universities (by Turo Kilpeläinen, President and CEO of LAB University of Applied Sciences);
– education for sustainable development in Latvia (by Māris Kļaviņš, Head of Department of Environmental Science, University of Latvia);
– measurement of universities’ sustainability and THE impact Rankings (by Duncan Ross, Chief Data Officer, Times Higher Education);
– SDGs promotion by SDSN Nothern Europe (by Martin Eriksson, Network Manager, SDSN Northern Europe).