BSRUN Anniversary Bulletin
The Year 2020 is approaching its end. Our professional and private lives were hit by COVID-19 and we lost a lot of opportunities but learnt how to cooperate and stay connected even in times of lockdown and closed borders as well.
It was year of the 20th Anniversary of BSRUN and we had to cancel and postpone many events including our Anniversary celebrations in Turku in June. We strongly hope that we will gather in Turku again to celebrate our journey together in June 2021.
We would like to finish this year by publication of the anniversary issue of the BSRUN Bulletin that will give you a short factual history of the organization together with memories and experiences of some key people whose paths crossed with BSRUN during our activities.
We do hope you enjoy reading the bulletin as much as we enjoyed our journey from 2000 till the present day. We would like to thank you all for your cooperation and support over the course of these twenty years!