Bulletin October 2020
Dear friends,
BSRUN Secretariat is happy to share a new edition of BSRUN Bulletin with you. This time, it is mainly dedicated to the life of BSRUN member institutions in challenging circumstances caused by COVID-19 pandemic. It includes the members’ reflections on changes that universities have had to experience. In addition, it presents the results of rectors’ elections for Polish member universities and gives the recent outcomes of three global university rankings. It also contains profile of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University — new member of BSRUN, and announces two forthcoming online seminars on University Governance and Leadership (15 October 2020) and Executive Education (29 October 2020) in COVID-19 times and beyond. Detailed information about both events will follow soon. We hope you find this interesting reading.
Previous issues of the bulletin are available here: BSRUN bulletin